
墨方现场 | 阎洲:连夜,打制一些箭镞出来

墨方MOCUBE 2023-11-22





We need to make some arrows overnight

《我们需要连夜打制一些箭镞出来》We need to make some arrows overnight,单通道有声彩色影像single channel color video with audio ,7'55'',2018


《我们需要连夜打制一些箭镞出来》We need to make some arrows overnight,纺织物拼贴,尺寸可变textilecollage, variable dimension,2018-2019


As the same name as the exhibition, this work tells the story about thecollapse of a tribe in the pre-historical period. The sound of making thearrows in the video and the monologue suggest a series of urgent circumstances.The narrator, or a witness of this calamity receded to the caves of theirancestors from the river, as their weapons were exhausted, the narrator and histribal members, trapped in the caves, were hesitant, apprehensive and felt animminent doom. At the same time, they had to make more weapons and store them.They were left with no choice but to urgently practice the methods of weaponryand prepare for the moment of destruction. 


Interim measures


《过渡集》Interim measures,五通道有声彩色影像five-channel color video with audio,39'29'' & 42'18'' & 32'03'' & 37'54'' & 43'41'',2019


The work is a collection of stories told by five narrators withdifferent life experiences. Is ruminating on one’s memories is a kind of self-learning or self-defense?In the video, these five narrators have calmly unfolded and told theirrespective memories and adventures. And through their telling, they'vetranslated the crisis of the past into stories. To pour out one's heart wastheir respective way in addressing their realities in crisis, such that, thoseseemingly similar yet varied experiences are unearthed, recalled and replaced,out of the crevasses of one's memories. From this world they revealed, specificyet urgent circumstances reshape their memories, which are embodied in the differentpathways of storage from these five individuals, so the memories couldreconnect in the sheltering train carts, as they conjure into an image ofshared destiny.


Calling on Mr. Shigeru Ban




《闻讯赶来的坂茂先生》Calling on Mr. Shigeru Ban,摄影 | 文献photograph | archival materials,200x150cm,2019

《关于庇护空间的推演-1》,照片拼贴 | 文献,75.5x55cm,2019

《关于庇护空间的推演-2》,照片拼贴 | 文献,75.5x55cm,2019


The work unfolds from a letter written to the architect Shigeru Ban. A Chinesearchitect was at loss, being in the same profession, he has long admired Mr.Ban's work. He hopes to deal with all the crises around him quickly as Ban hasdone – the kind of suffering Ban is effortless about or other than natural andwar disasters.

In this letter, he expressed the obstacles with his current work, “here”he felt the weariness and anguish of his circumstance, who embarked onmeticulous observations of those individuals who are affected by mild socialwaves. The deeper he dug, the more helplessness he felt. This mood propelledhim to build a temporary architecture to shelter and protect the floatinghearts and minds. He put efforts in his practice and sought out eternal elementsof time: the cavity of rib boat, the curvature of a lemon, multi-functionaltent structures and spatial transition by surreal powers. These nonsensicalseals convey the architect’s personal pain, his lament at art or even thehelplessness of practical thinking. At the end of the letter, this delusionalarchitect proposed a solution, yet this playful and heartfelt proposal wouldonly be realized in the imaginations beyond reality.










